For nearly 50 years, AMPAC has served as the political voice for medicine. This advocacy most often takes the form of direct contributions to Congressional candidates and officeholders who have a clearly demonstrated support for medicine. However, AMPAC has also sought to aid those physicians and friends of medicine who have decided to impact health care policy by seeking public office themselves. In its Political Education Programs and its Physicians as Candidates Research, AMPAC seeks to give physicians the resources they need to win elections.
In 2013, Public Opinion Strategies conducted an update of this research. The studies indicate that perceptions of physicians as candidates have evolved since initial AMPAC research in 1994. Negative perceptions of physicians have given way to views of physicians as well-educated, trustworthy, caring and compassionate, able to study complex issues, and able to make important decisions in stressful situations. The results of the research point to ways in which physician candidates can make the transition from public perception to public support.
The results of AMPAC’s research can be viewed in the following:
- A slide presentation overview with polling results and their impact for physician candidates.