Dan Morhaim, MD

Delegate Dan Morhaim, MD (District 11, Maryland House of Delegates)

Biographical Info:


Political: Elected to Maryland House of Delegates 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006, 2010; Deputy Majority Leader; House Chair Joint Committee Health Care Delivery and Finance; Chair, Government Operations Sub-Committee; I am the only physician in the 188-member Maryland General Assembly.

Medical: Board-Certified Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine, and I practice when legislature not in session; Faculty, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; Medical Director Transcare and Pulse Ambulance; Staff: Health Care for the Homeless in Baltimore; Chair Dept of Emergency Medicine Franklin Square Hospital 1981-1994; ER Staff Sinai Hospital Baltimore (level 2 trauma center) 1994 – now.

Author: numerous medical and non-medical articles. Book “The Better End” to be released in January 2012.

For more information: www.drdanmorhaim.com

What other leadership positions have you held (AMA, Specialties, PACs)?
AMA Nathan Davis Award winner 2011

Which Program (Campaign School/Candidate Workshop) did you attend?
Campaign School, 1989

Candidate Workshop, 1989

Have the programs helped in your political career?
Yes, both programs helped in different ways. The candidate workshop provided insight into the challenges and stresses of being a candidate and the impact on work and family. The campaign workshop gave an excellent framework on how to actually get elected.

What was the most important thing you learned from AMPAC programs?
Nuts-and-bolts of campaigns. How to use different campaign tools effectively, e.g. polls, door-to-door, lawn signs, bumper stickers. Importance of forming a campaign team.

Program also pointed out things not to do, especially when dealing with the media and political opponents.

What would you say to members of the medical community thinking about becoming involved in politics?
1) There are lots of ways of being involved besides running for office. Being a doctor can be helpful, but most constituents are interested in standard political issues, and these are important: education, taxes, sprawl, public safety, environment, jobs, etc.

2) A little involvement can go a long way, especially at the state and local level. Too many doctors – and citizens – don’t participate in even basic things, like letter writing, campaign donations. Candidates and electeds remember well the people who helped, especially at the beginning.

3) Be patient. It takes time for legislators to fully understand pros and cons of complex issues, medical or otherwise. Be an educator, a resource, and don’t get angry and burn bridges when things don’t go your way.

4) Stay involved.